Due to impending Hurricane Milton, the Museum will be closed Tuesday, Oct. 8 through Friday, Oct. 11. Stay tuned for further updates and stay safe.

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Make and Take: Natural Perfume

Learn about the science of perfumery and techniques for combining organic ingredients to create your own signature scent. Create a one-of-a-kind perfume made entirely of natural ingredients and recyclable materials. Discover the joy of expressing yourself in an eco-conscious way!

Date & Time
December 3, 2024
05:00PM to 07:00PM
Members $25 | Future members $35
Registration Required
Tuesday 11AM - 9PM
Wednesday 11AM - 4PM
Thursday 11AM - 4PM
Friday 11AM - 9PM
Saturday 11AM - 4PM
Sunday NOON - 4PM
Members Free
Adults $20
Children (Ages 5 & under) Free
Students (Ages 6 - 17) $15
Seniors* (Age 62+) $15
Military* $15
Educators* $15
College Students* Free Tue - Fr
$15 Sat & Sun
*Current I.D. required