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AG.1976.1.8_Lawrence_Migrants Cast their Ballots

Works on Paper

The Cummer’s collection of works on paper and photographs numbers approximately 2,200 objects. Nearly a quarter of these are a part of the Cornelia Morse Carithers Print Collection. Key pieces include Albrecht Dürer’s Circumcision (1511), Pieter Bruegel’s Envy (1558), selections from Theodor de Bry’s Grands Voyages (1591), Jacob de Gheyn II’s Christ Crowned with Thorns (c. 1600), Palma Giovane’s Rest on the Return from Egypt (1625), Carl Friedrich Heinrich Werner’s Colossi of Memnon (1866), Mary Cassatt’s Simone in a Large Plumed Hat (c. 1903), Pablo Picasso’s Nude Seated Before a Curtain (1931), John Steuart Curry’s study for Parade to War, Allegory (1938), and Jacob Lawrence’s The Migrants Cast their Ballots (1974).

Jacob Lawrence (American, 1917 – 2000), The 1920s…The Migrants Cast Their Ballots, 1974, serigraph on paper, 40 9/16 x 32 9/16 in., Gift of the Lorillard Corporation, AG.1976.1.8. © 2023 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Knight Lawrence Foundation, Seattle/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

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