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AP.2007.2.7_Savage_Orchid Hunter

The Eugene Savage Collection

The Eugene Savage Collection, purchased in 2007, contains 113 paintings and watercolors (1934-1952) by Eugene Savage (1883-1978), an American muralist, member of the National Academy, and Professor of painting at Yale University who explored the people, native dress, and environment of the Seminole Indians of South Florida. Beyond popular tourist visions of Seminole life, this series, as a collective statement, is an historically specific work that is informed by debates between conservationists who wished to protect the Everglades and advocates who were defending Seminole culture.

Image Caption
Eugene Savage (American, 1883 – 1978), Orchid Hunter, 1935, oil on canvas, 31 x 28 1/2 in. Purchased with funds from the Mae W. Schultz Charitable Lead Trust, AP.2007.2.7.
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