Home / Adaptive Art
Invented by Dwayne Szot and initially funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Cummer Museum is home to a range of Arts for All adaptive art-making equipment. These tools allow individuals with different levels of abilities to creatively express themselves through the visual arts. Rather than finding ways for people with disabilities to participate in activities for non-disabled people, Arts for All creates entirely new activities and projects for people with disabilities and invites those without disabilities to join in, resulting in a new and completely inclusive art form. Tools and materials are available to teachers and educators.
HEALing Arts is a partnership between the Cummer Museum and the HEAL Foundation. As a local nonprofit organization serving individuals and families living with Autism Spectrum Disorders, the HEAL Foundation makes it possible for students with autism to experience the Museum’s annual VSA Festival and Camp Cummer.
Adaptive art-making tools and related products can be found at the following sites:
The American Printing House for the Blind offers art history through touch and sound, created by Art Education for the Blind. This series combines tactile drawings, Braille text, and audio into art history texts.
Davis Art provides videos on adaptive art resources.
Able Play rates play products for children with special needs.
Dick Blick and Nasco sell adaptive art supplies and equipment.
The Kennedy Center provides a full list of additional resources.
The mission of Arts4All Florida is to provide, support and champion arts education and cultural experiences for and by people with disabilities. Their vision is to create a world in which the arts are universally accessible. The Arts4All Florida website contains event and program information for Florida residents.
Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System is a support system for Exceptional Student Education professionals serving students in Clay, Duval, and Nassau Counties.
The National Arts and Disability Center (NADC) is dedicated to promoting full inclusion of children and adults with disabilities into the arts community. The site contains an artist directory, online gallery, resources, bibliographies, and conference information.
The Inclusive Design Research Centre provides information on web accessibility, distance learning, and universal design.
The HEAL Foundation Healing Every Autistic Life is a local foundation serving the greater Jacksonville area that supports programs and partnerships for individuals on the autism spectrum.